With the continuous development of industry, the requirements for the use of equipment are getting higher and higher. In addition, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious, and smog and sand and dust weather are often around, and people's health is seriously threatened. This kind of weather is mostly caused by improper treatment of industrial waste, and the emergence of fog cannons greatly restricts the wanton deterioration of smog dust, which plays an important role in promoting safe production, protecting the health of employees, and maintaining environmental hygiene. Fog cannons have now become a practical tool for reducing smog.
With the continuous development of industry, the requirements for the use of equipment are getting higher and higher. In addition, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious, and smog and sand and dust weather are often around, and people's health is seriously threatened. This kind of weather is mostly caused by improper treatment of industrial waste, and the emergence of fog cannons greatly restricts the wanton deterioration of smog dust, which plays an important role in promoting safe production, protecting the health of employees, and maintaining environmental hygiene.
fog cannon has become a practical tool for reducing smog.
So what are the functions of fog cannons?
The atomization principle of fog cannon:
The atomization principle of the fog cannon machine is to use the high-speed air flow generated by the high-pressure centrifugal fan to strongly impact the liquid and break it into fine droplets, and at the same time it is further atomized by the high-speed surging airflow, and then the atomized droplets are blown into the distance by the air flow of the air outlet and shot to the working target. Obviously, in addition to wind factors, the degree of atomization of liquids is directly related to its surface tension and viscosity.
The measurement of droplet size is generally expressed in terms of its VMD-VolumeMiddlingDdiameter, which is measured in nanometers. The so-called volume medium diameter is that in all the droplets of a spray, the cumulative volume of droplets larger than a certain diameter droplets accounts for half of the total droplet volume, and the diameter smaller than the diameter also accounts for half, the diameter of the droplet is called the volume diameter, represented by VMD.
If the number of droplets accumulates to 50% of the total number of droplets, the diameter of this droplet is called the middle diameter of the droplet number, which is expressed by NMD (NMD-Number MiddlingDdiameter), here we still study the VMD parameters of the volume mid-diameter. At present, according to the size of the average volume of droplets, they are divided into the following categories, of which the World Health Organization (WHO) division is more detailed than China's.
Features of the fog cannon:
The fog cannon has strong power, large air volume, long range, wide coverage, fine fog particles, and can achieve precise spray; The ejected air flow can effectively turn the leaves of plants, so that the front and back sides of them are medicated, and it has strong penetration and adhesion to the object, which can effectively save the amount of medicine and reduce pollution; High work efficiency, wide range of application, fast spray speed, can spray while driving.
What is the use of fog cannons? Scope of application of fog cannon machine:
Fog cannons are widely used in municipal gardens, green belts, orchards and other spraying pesticides, mines, coal stockyards, open-air stockpiles, open-air operation dust control, environmental protection industries, closed coal, ore stockpiles, truck discharge ports, mechanical operations local dust pollution control; Coke, coal washing plant port coal dust pollution, steel mill dust control engineering, power plant, and other dust pollution control